JOICFP 含羞草珍珠手链/米色
薰 × 25ans × JOICFP
KAORU 捐赠项目第三轮启动“KAORU × 25ans × JOICFP”
这是该项目的第三期,并与 JOICFP 等庆祝创刊 40 周年的时尚杂志《25ans》进行了特别的三重合作,该杂志一直专注于慈善活动和女性支持活动。 。
KAORU Mimosa 以作为国际妇女节象征的含羞草花为主题,以其精致的设计而广受好评。
如果您购买这款含羞草手链,每件将捐赠 3,000 日元给 JOICFP。
这款漂亮的丝绸手链有 5 种颜色:[米色]、[红色]、[海军蓝]、[深棕色] 和 [芥末色]。
带着对女性更加闪耀的渴望,KAORU 不断创造出能够展现魅力并让佩戴者振奋的珠宝。
自创刊以来的 40 年来,《25ans》通过为各代优雅女性提供时尚与美丽的信息,并支持女性支持活动,赋予女性权力。
我们相信,基于共同愿景而实现的这种合作将是扩大对 JOICFP 活动支持范围的绝佳机会。
与第三次 KAORU 捐赠 PJT 相关的举措将在《25ans》1 月号(1 月 27 日发行)和 25ans Digital 的 BOOK IN BOOK“Sustainer 白皮书”中发表。
- 产品编号B-755-SV-BE
- 材质图案:925 银,淡水珍珠绳:丝绸
- 尺寸图案直径 1.5cm总长:23.5cm
- 原产国日本
库存商品通常会在收到您的发货请求后 2-7 天内发货。
如果您有指定的抵达日期和时间,请在下订单后 5 至 10 个工作日内指定。
运费为850日元。 (购买33,000日元(含税)以上的顾客免费。)
如果您需要礼品包装,请在购买时勾选勾选按钮。礼品包装统一收费 385 日元。
For Customers from Overseas
※Please note that for international customers, we will conduct careful inspections and arrange secure packaging before shipping. However, please be aware that we cannot offer refunds or similar arrangements for any reason. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
・For customers making purchases from overseas, we assure you that we conduct meticulous inspections, ensure thorough packaging, and make arrangements for secure delivery. However, please be aware that regardless of the circumstances, we are unable to provide refunds or similar remedies. Furthermore, we do not accept returns under any circumstances.
・Upon receiving your order, please note that we are not responsible for any customs duties, taxes, or other related expenses. We kindly request that you settle these payments on your end.
・Regarding shipping, we typically dispatch orders within 2 to 7 days.
・Shipments will be handled through FedEx.
・When providing your shipping address, please make sure to include the "delivery address" rather than temporary locations like P.O. boxes.
・Currently, the available regions for delivery and their corresponding shipping fees are as follows:
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
Shipping Fee: 10,000 JPY
【North America/Other】
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States, Mexico, India
Shipping Fee: 8,000 JPY
【South America】
Argentina, Colombia, Brazil
Shipping Fee: 8,000 JPY
United Arab Emirates, Turkey
Shipping Fee: 8,000 JPY
Saudi Arabia, South Africa
Shipping Fee: 10,000 JPY